MODESTO, CA - CIRCUS ON ICE 日期与时间2025年3月1日 4:00 PM 起
GMT -8.00
地点Modesto Centre Plaza
1000 L Street, 95354, Modesto, CA, United States
活动门票General Admission ADULT$27.45 Few Left0
General Admission CHILD$18.91 Few Left0
活动详情 We are the great Circus On Ice! Come and enjoy our elegant ballet on Synthetic Ice combined with magnificent traditional circus acts.
查看地图 Modesto Centre Plaza
1000 L Street, 95354, Modesto, CA, United States
活动组织者 0 位关注者
We are the great Circus On Ice! Come and enjoy our elegant ballet on Synthetic Ice combined with magnificent traditional circus acts. It is a magical performance for all ages!
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活动门票 General Admission ADULT$27.45 Few Left0
General Admission CHILD$18.91 Few Left0