KREWE OF THALASARTha-las-ir (adj.) - of or relating to the deep seas or the depths of the sea.Galveston's third oldest and ONLY nautical Mardi Gras Krewe, The Krewe of Thalasar, was founded in 1986 by a group of Texas A&M at Galveston Former Students. It has since grown into a nearly 100 member Krewe comprised of both Aggie Former Students and non-Aggies alike. The Krewe of Thalasar is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation whose primary mission is celebrating and preserving the history of Mardi Gras! Galveston. In addition, the Krewe supports several marine and maritime related organizations and encourages environmental awareness through volunteer hours, as well as, monetary and supply donations. Throughout the year, The Krewe of Thalasar has multiple recreational and social activities in the Galveston-Houston area culminating in the annual Mardi Gras Ball officially kicking off the Mardi Gras season.
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2025 KOT Sirens & Sailors MG Ball $146.39Few Left0
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