Loudoun Cares is a Leesburg-based nonprofit serving the Loudoun County community through its information & referral ConnectLine and Online Volunteer Center. The ConnectLine specializes in connecting people in need with resources, information, or referrals to local services and support providers. Loudoun Cares’ Volunteer Center is the county’s only online portal connecting volunteers with local nonprofits in need of support. The Center currently has over 240 nonprofits registered and receives between 80-100 new volunteer registrations each month. Loudoun Cares was honored to be named this year’s Small Business of the Year and Nonprofit of the Year by the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce. Most recently, Executive Director Valerie Pisierra received the Loudoun Chamber Community Leadership Nonprofit Executive Leader Award.For more information about how to volunteer or to request volunteers, please visit www.loudouncares.org or call 703-669-2351. If you or someone you know has been adversely affected by the COVID 19 crisis call 703-669-5040.