ABOUT FAMILY FIRSTFamily First is a national non-profit, founded in 1991. Family First reaches millions of people each day with practical, timely advice to help them love their families well through its iMOM and All Pro Dad programs, as well as through a radio program called the Family Minute With Mark Merrill (FamilyMinute.com).ABOUT ALL PRO DAD:Founded by Mark Merrill and Pro Football Hall of Fame Coach, Tony Dungy, All Pro Dad has served families and fathers for nearly 30 years. All Pro Dad provides resources, training, and events to help fathers as they raise their children for a healthy and hopeful future.AllProDad.com includes daily emails, a podcast, blogs top 10 Lists, articles, printable tools, videos, eBooks and links to our social channels.All Pro Dad ChaptersAll Pro Dad Chapters are a school-based program that brings dads together with their kids at their child’s school. Dads gather monthly with their children and other dads to discuss topics relevant to school-age children and to take part in fun bonding activities. The dads leave with practical parenting tips they can take home and implement immediately and the kids leave with memories to last a lifetime.All Pro Dad ExperienceThese three-hour events are held at an NFL team’s practice facility or stadium. At these events dads have the unique opportunity to spend time with their children by participating in interactive games designed to strengthen their relationship. The dads and kids hear from a fatherhood-focused player, coach or alumni from that team at these powerful events.ABOUT iMOM:Serving families and mothers for more than 15 years, iMOM.com provides ideas, insight, and inspiration on iMom.com and on the iMom podcast so moms can enjoy their families and love them well.