As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Hats Off For Veterans mission is to provide financial assistance to Veterans who are seeking to obtain their first higher educational degree, and to assist with professional development for those seeking a certification or license in a skilled trade. We are dedicated to improving the quality of life for those who have served our country. HOFV serves all Texas Veterans.THE HOFV 2024 GRANT IS OPEN. More info and application at - HOFV 2025-2026 SCHOLARSHIP OPENS FEBRUARY 1, 2025. purpose of our Scholarship Fund is to demonstrate our commitment to the Veterans in their endeavors toward attaining a higher education degree. This includes 4-Year and 2-Year programs. The Scholarship Committee uses available funds to award to Veterans who are honorably discharged from the military and are pursuing their first undergraduate degree.The award amount is $2,000 per academic year. This amount is distributed in two payments of $1,000 per semester, once proof of enrollment and registration are submitted to our office.There will be TWO awards in 2025 in the amount of $2,000.The MSG Jimmie Quintero Scholarship is funded annually by U.S. Army Master Sergeant (retired) Jimmie Quintero and his wife, Shin Quintero, in the amount of $1,000. There will be ONE MSG JQ award in 2025.