Riverwalk Fort Lauderdale is anon-profit 501(c)(3)organization responsible for the planning, programming, beautification, andpromotionof Riverwalk and the Riverwalk District. We are composed primarily ofvolunteer private citizensand overseen by a board of directors. All members uphold the organization’s directive, as stated in its mission statement, “to be the catalyst in building and nurturing Riverwalk as a vibrant community connected by the New River.” We pursue our mission through a wide range offundraisingandmembershipeventsandadvocacyon behalf of the Park and the district through our informativewebsiteandGoRiverwalk magazineandsocial media.Riverwalk Fort Lauderdale has its origin with the City of Fort Lauderdale. In December 1988, only three years after securing funding for a linear public park along the New River, the City establishedRiverwalk Fort Lauderdaleto facilitate in the design as well as develop fundraising and advocacy efforts. Since its launch, we have played a significant role in obtaining a “regional park” designation from Broward County; guiding redevelopment and Park expansion efforts, and contributing to the three most recent City plans for enhancing the downtown core.Riverwalk Fort Lauderdaleworks closely with the City, the County, the Downtown Development Authority of Fort Lauderdale, and other important partners in the public and private sectors in overseeing the development, activation, and growth for our linear park and downtown Riverwalk District. It is through these partnerships that we work to produce events and activities benefiting the Park and the city.These events and activities have made Riverwalk Fort Lauderdale an invested participant in the growth of Fort Lauderdale and the Riverwalk District in Downtown.