Welcome, to the Learning Community Approach!I, share a warm welcome to you my name is Julie Ker I am the owner and mentor at the Learning Community Approach (LCA).The focus of LCA is to create time and spaces for early childhood and OSHC professionals to connect, share and grow as a learning community.My learning journey has seen me work alongside children, families, communities, educators and teachers for 30 years in the early childhood sector. On this journey I have been able to connect and learn from many wise and supportive mentors. My experiences have brought me to this point in my journey where I would like to connect, share and grow others through mentorship, coaching and bring people together.LCA - Growth Packages and Learning Experiences.Community of Practice - Meetings online - Learning ExperiencesKindy Uplift coaching and mentoring packagesKindy Uplift Community of PracticePedagogy Leadership Mentorship PackagesQuality (compliance) and Pedagogy Service Support PackagesA and R - BE Ready support PackageQIP Tree - Learning ExperiencesI invite you to connect with me and explore your new learning journey at the Learning Community Approach.In, Kindness and LearningJulie KerEmail-learning.communityapproach@gmail.com Phone:0408744213 Instagram: l.c.approach