Studying A Levels is enjoyable, it is a time where you develop a deep interest, knowledge and enthusiasm for your chosen subjects. As you decide on your next steps I am delighted that you are considering Abbeygate Sixth Form College. This is a really exciting time for you and a great opportunity to really focus on the subjects you enjoy and want to learn more about. Abbeygate Sixth Form College is an amazing place to study. Our modern, safe, bright and spacious state of the art building has been designed and built for you. Every aspect of this incredible building has been designed specifically for our A Level students and we have industry standard facilities and resources in every subject area, I would encourage you to visit at one of our open events or have a look on the fly thru We have a range of social and study spaces throughout the building so you can work individually, in peace and quiet, or in groups when preparing for presentations or researching topics. This is all part of a quality sixth form experience that will prepare you well for your future.