![APlus Test Prep & Academic Services Logo](https://eventsize.com/API/v1.0/index.php?system=offers&action=avatar&id=41225)
APlus Test Prep helps students of all ages pass standardized tests such as the SAT, ACT, EOC, EOG, Praxis, TEAS, NC-LEX RN, ASVAB, MCAT, ISEE, LSAT, and more! Among APlus Test Prep's high school scholars, 92% have earned college scholarships; 86% of adult learners earned additional career certification, licensure, and/or admission to law school and other graduate programs.If you can't attend one of our programs, inquire about APlus bringing the program to you at your location. Email aplus@aplushigherscores.com.Visit our website:aplushigherscores.comSee ourGoogle Business Profile.919-824-3912