
ADHD Workshop Cover

ADHD Workshop

Date & Time

Tue, 9 September 2025, 9:30 AM onwards

GMT +2.00

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Venue Location


Ysgol Ger Y Llan, SA62 5SL, Letterston, Wales, United Kingdom

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About This Event

An 7 week introductory course for parents/carers of children with ADHD. Starts 09/09/2025 at Ysgol Ger Y Llan, Letterston , 9:30 - 11:30AM.

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Ysgol Ger Y Llan, SA62 5SL, Letterston, Wales, United Kingdom

Event Organizer

Family Support Team - Pembrokeshire County Council Logo

Family Support Team - Pembrokeshire County Council


The Family Support Team sits within the Education Directorate and offer a range of voluntary, early intervention and preventative targeted support services to meet the needs of families with children aged between 0 – 25 yrs. old residing in the County of Pembrokeshire. Funded via the Welsh Government, Children and Communities Grant programme the service offers practical support, guidance and advice to those needing help with improving their circumstances; with a particular focus on promoting parenting, healthy relationships and access for all to community resources to address the support needs of families in our County.The team operates within the framework of both the Families First Guidance, which is a key response to the Welsh Government's Child Poverty Strategy and the Flying Start Guidance which is Welsh Government targeted Early Years programme for families with children under 4 years of age in some of the most disadvantaged areas of Wales. In addition to the offer of direct support to individual families, the team provide collaborative group work and workshops on various topics to help empower relationships and promote resilience.The team take a strengths–based approach to offering help to families with assessments focusing on what is working well, what are the family’s needs and what needs to happen in order for change to be achieved successfully.-Mae'r Tîm Cymorth i Deuluoedd yn rhan o'r Gyfarwyddiaeth Addysg ac yn cynnig ystod o wasanaethau cymorth gwirfoddol, ymyrraeth gynnar ac ataliol wedi'u targedu i ddiwallu anghenion teuluoedd â phlant rhwng 0 a 25 oed sy'n preswylio yn Sir Benfro. Wedi'i ariannu drwy raglen Grant Plant a Chymunedau Llywodraeth Cymru, mae'r gwasanaeth yn cynnig cymorth ymarferol, arweiniad a chyngor i'r rhai sydd angen cymorth i wella eu hamgylchiadau, gan ganolbwyntio’n benodol ar hyrwyddo sgiliau magu plant, cydberthnasau iach a mynediad at adnoddau cymunedol i bawb i fynd i’r afael ag anghenion cymorth y teuluoedd yn ein sir.Mae’r tîm yn gweithredu o fewn fframwaith canllawiau Teuluoedd yn Gyntaf, sy’n ymateb allweddol i Strategaeth Tlodi Plant Llywodraeth Cymru, a chanllawiau Dechrau’n Deg, sef rhaglen y Blynyddoedd Cynnar wedi’i thargedu Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer teuluoedd â phlant o dan 4 oed mewn rhai o'r ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig yng Nghymru. Yn ogystal â chynnig cymorth uniongyrchol i deuluoedd unigol, mae’r tîm yn darparu gwaith grŵp cydweithredol a gweithdai ar bynciau amrywiol i helpu i rymuso perthnasoedd a hyrwyddo gwydnwch.Mae'r tîm yn defnyddio dull sy'n seiliedig ar gryfderau i gynnig cymorth i deuluoedd gydag asesiadau sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr hyn sy'n gweithio'n dda, beth yw anghenion y teulu, a beth sydd angen digwydd er mwyn cyflawni newid yn llwyddiannus.

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