Deborah is a practicing International Evidential Spiritual Medium, Psychic and Mentor who has over two and a half decades of experience reading for individuals professionally. She is like many other women you may know; she is a career woman, someone's daughter, a sister, a mother, and a wife. Deborah is a Spiritual Teacher, Certified Angel Card Reader and an Ordained Minister. Deborah is a bestselling published author. Her bestselling solo book The Heart of Compassion, A Mediums Journey can be found at Barnes and Noble and on Amazon. In addition to numerous Pod Cast, she was heard on WDEL 101.7 FM Saturday Mornings Hot Spot with Frank Gregory frequently, from 2016 until late 2019. She has her own Live streamed show called Soul Spirit Community Talk on Facebook where she interviews others of like mind. Deborah invites you to like her FB page Deborah Finley, Medium. Her book can often be preordered with her live events. Deborah has traveled to England, to study at the famous Arthur Findlay. College. Additionally, has been invited to travel to several states where she is a featured speaker, in addition to offering " Aloha from Above, A Little Bit of Heaven" mediumistic demonstrations. Deborah is what is commonly known as a Natural Medium, even as a small child, she had the ability to communicate with spiritual beings. She would just know things that were beyond her life experience. As the saying goes "life happens" and once she became of school age, she learned she wasn't liked or accepted by many of her fellow peers because she was different. As a small child she thought everyone saw Angels and talked to spiritual beings. Like so many of us who are energy intuits, mediums or sensitive she learned not to talk about seeing, hearing and talking to the Angels and spiritual beings that she often saw and spoke to as a child. In her teenager years and throughout her adulthood Deborah was the one everyone would go to for advice. After a near death experience in 1986, her abilities seemed to become even more super charged, and after having a premonition of her own father's death this ability became almost too much for her to handle. Gratefully God and her Angels never abandoned throughout her journey to acceptance until she came to understand we all have free will and there was nothing she could have done to prevent her dad's death. Deborah is comfortable being true to her authentic self and is grateful to be providing readings for individuals and groups professionally. With the help of her Angels, and Spiritual Guides Deborah is able to see, hear (in thoughts), feel, and know in order to pass along the information she receives from Spirit to those she reads for. It is her hope by providing proof of the survival of the soul that she brings a sense of peace to those she reads for. To schedule your group event or private reading email Deborah @ info@Angel-Energy.org or text: 610-909-7954 Deborah's private sessions are $150