About Tanner Ta Ta FoundationTo honor classmates from Woburn High School Class of 1987 diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 40, Erin Ficociello and Michelle Amari were compelled to get involved in the fight against breast cancer. In 2007, they held a fundraiser called the Pink Party, and raised over $15,000. This money was donated to the Boston Avon Walk, known today as Avon 39 the Walk To End Breast Cancer. The money donated to Avon primarily stays local; past recipients of Boston walks include Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Mass General Hospital, Boston Medical Center, and Tufts Medical Center, among others.As months passed, more and more women were reaching out to Erin and Michelle for support following their own diagnoses, and then in December 2008, Erin was diagnosed with Stage III Invasive Ductile Carcinoma herself. As her treatment wrapped up in 2010, she and Michelle decided to formally incorporate the foundation in order to focus the work of the Tanner Ta Tas even more locally.In addition to continued support to the Avon Foundation via Avon 39, the Foundation’s primary focus is to provide targeted, personal support and services to local area survivors and women in treatment for breast cancer.