Charlette Lumby, RN, CCRN is the Co-founder of Incite Agency for Change and Cardiac Rehabilitation RN. Charlette also has 15 years experience as an intensive care unit and rapid response nurse, 2 years experience as a Trauma Performance Project Manager, and 7 years experience as an Injury Prevention and Performance Improvement Coordinator Nurse for Salem Health and Hospital. She is a member of the American Association of Critical Care Nursing, American Trauma Society, Co-Chair of the Oregon Alliance to Prevent Suicide, Co-Chair of the Transitions of Care Committee, active participant of the Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Plan for Oregon and the first ever Adult Suicide and Intervention Prevention Plan for Oregon, Marion-Polk CHIP committee member, Marion County Substance Use Committee and Steering Committee member, Mid-Valley Suicide Prevention Coalition member and Steering Committee member. She is an active trainer for multiple prevention and intervention programs, including SafeTALK, ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training), QPR (Questions, Persuade, Refer), QPR Plus for Youth and Families, YouthSAVE (Suicide Assessment in the Virtual Environment), YouthSAVE for Providers, and Oregon CALM (Counseling on Access to Lethal Means) lead trainer who also provides Oregon CALM train the trainer trainings, and CONNECT Postvention. Charlette has also worked on curriculum and program development of Oregon CALM for the Oregon Health Authority, and curriculum development for the Oregon Pediatric Society for YouthSAVE for Providers, and the current development of YouthSAVE for Young Adults. She has won many awards throughout her career in Nursing Excellence, Practice & Teaching, and Professional Excellence. Charlette also has the invaluable lived experience of loss of loved ones and being mom of a 22 year old with suicide ideation, behaviors, methamphetamine and heroine addiction and recovery.