Raising Awareness of Human Rights through the ArtsFOUNDEDin 2003 by MA students on the Development and Emergency Practice programmewhich is run by the Centre of Development and Emergency Practice (CENDEP) based withinthe school of Architecture.OUR AIMis to raise awareness of human rights issues through informative films,performances, talks, workshops, and exhibitions.THE FESTIVAL IS CURATED AND LEDby students and the organising committeewhich is open to all undergraduates and postgraduates across the university includingFilm Studies, Business & Marketing and International Relations.FESTIVAL THEMEShave included IDENTITY, HOME and ACTIVISM and we haveexplored what these mean in terms of gender, sexuality, race, ability, class, wealth,religious beliefs, forced migration, homelessness, nationality and much more.PAST EVENTS2017 Ken Loach opened the OXHRF with a screening of his highlyacclaimed film I, Daniel Blake. 2016 Ziauddin Yousafzai, father of equal educationactivist Malala Yousafzai, spoke at our screening of their film He Named Me Malala.WE WELCOMEsponsorship and collaborations.Film, music, performance and arts are all part of our expressions.