TheDallas Design Communityis one of five design communities that make up theASID Texas Chapter, which is part of the largerAmerican Society of Interior Designers[ASID], a community of people – designers, industry representatives, educators and students – committed to interior design. Through education, knowledge sharing and advocacy, the Society strives to advance the interior design profession and, in the process, to demonstrate and celebrate the power of design to positively impact and change people’s lives. Of the Society’s 24,000 Practitioners, 20% practice Residential design, 30% practice Commercial design, and 50% practice both. TheASID Texas Chapterrepresents 1,700+ Practitioner, Educator, Student and Industry Representative members (almost 1,100 of which are Practitioners and/or Educators) throughout the state of Texas excluding the greater Houston area, which is covered by the ASID Texas Gulf Coast Chapter. Since the Texas Chapter is quite large both in membership and in geographic expanse, most of the programming throughout the year takes place in theDesign Communities:Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, andWest Texas. Our members work in both the residential and commercial fields, either as sole proprietors or as part of small or large firms. Within the state and around the world, they provide valuable services and useful products to their clients. Our members strive to improve the quality of life for all of their clients through the creation of aesthetically pleasing, thoughtful design that takes into account the health, safety and welfare of the public.