I am an evidential medium, Akashic reader, and Reiki master—a channel between the seen and unseen worlds. My work is built on undeniable evidence, the kind that shatters doubt and confronts skepticism head-on. These moments of irrefutable truth bring deep healing, comfort, and relief, dissolving the barriers that keep my clients stuck. But this is more than validation; it’s transformation. When doubt falls away and clarity takes its place, everything begins to shift. Alignment becomes effortless. Life moves with purpose. My clients step into the flow of their highest potential—not someday, but now.As a medium, I reconnect my clients with their lost loved ones, bringing messages of love, proof, and peace. As an Akashic reader, I reconnect them with themselves—their truth, their power, their soul’s path. Through Reiki, I upgrade and align their energy bodies, helping them heal and release what no longer serves them. And with flower essences, I offer a gentle but potent ally to support their transformation, reinforcing the shifts taking place within them.