Our aim is to help close the gender DevOps gap, by empowering women to create innovative solutions, encourage organisations to retain women into their communities and to promote gender equality. We are a not-for-profit committed to creating an open and inclusive community and inspiring the female DevOps leaders of the future.Diversity is an action, inclusivity is cultural, and belonging is a sensation. A balanced and diverse workforce drives innovation. Our goal is to inspire, empower and diversify the technology world, one meetup at a time. Whether you’re 10 years deep or a fresh face, we can’t wait to meet you! We are a group that celebrates the achievements of women who have overcome the barriers they face within the tech space. This is the perfect opportunity to engage with tech enthusiasts looking to expand knowledge, socialise and celebrate diversity and inclusion within the technology space. Get involved, engaged and empowered.Follow us to keep up to date!LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/11122... (https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/11122679/)Twitter:https://twitter.com/WomenInDevOps?lang=en-gbFacebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2082051015447031/To find out how you can get involved email Lauren or Lucy on:lauren@trustinsoda.comlucy@trustinsoda.com#WomenInDevOps #GirlBoss #EmpowerInspireDiversify