Pearl Rojo is a talented individual who moved to Central Florida at a young age to embark on her journey in the entertainment industry. Starting as a child actor and model on Nickelodeon, she later pursued her passion by becoming a Disney character and choreographer. With over 16 years of experience in film, TV, and commercial entertainment, Pearl's exceptional talent led her to establish Rojo Talent, an agency specializing in working with youth, major artists, and influencers.However, Pearl's dedication extends far beyond her career. Recognizing the importance of giving back, she founded Love Learn Live Give, an outreach initiative dedicated to students and the community. Through this initiative, she has implemented a remarkable reading program for youth and organized Celebrity Basketball games to raise awareness about low literacy levels among young people. Pearl is committed to making a difference through community outreach, collaborating with organizations like Toys for Tots and the Department of Children and Families to provide over 50,000 toys to foster children.With her extensive background as both an entertainer and philanthropist, Pearl has had a significant impact nationally and internationally. Her inspiring journey reflects her passion for entertainment, compassion for others, and unwavering commitment to creating a better world. Pearl Rojo is a true inspiration, leaving a lasting legacy in both her career and charitable endeavors
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Free Christmas Ticket Giveaway $0.00Sold Out0
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Early Bird General Admission $12.51Few Left0
General Admission $20.00Few Left0
First Row Stands $60.004 left0
2 for 1 Admission $33.852 left0
Court Side Seating - Single Chair Seat on court $200.005 left0
VIP Backstage Access - Plus + 1 $500.00Few Left0
Meet and Greet Red Carpet $250.002 left0
Jersey $161.903 left0
VIP Parking $100.005 left0
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