A NEW ERA AT WELLSGREENTo make sure our farm is ready for the next generation, the time has come for a further, and we think really exciting change. We have an unused farm cottage opposite our Golf Range which we recently applied for and received planning permission to change into a farm shop which we hope to open in the Summer of 2023. To prepare for this we have started a herd of Traditional Hereford Cattle as well as sheep to produce amazing grass fed beef and lamb for our shop. We also plan to bring back fruit and veg onto the farm and maybe even our own laying hens!! We hope our shop will also help support other local farmers and producers in the area as we look to offer as much local produce as we possibly can!ALSOIn addition to all of the above, we want to welcome you, the public, onto our farm to see what we are doing. Farm Visits are available now for small groups where you can meet our amazing farm animals including our Alpacas, Pygmy Goats, Valais Blacknose Sheep and our Toggenburg triplets as well as our flock of commercial sheep and Hereford Cattle!