Ventnor Arts Club is situated in the centre of town, for people where creatives and supporters of creativity can relax, have a drink, enjoy a film, music and other regular events. The club is available for private hire and is a great location for receptions, business meetings and presentations. Our beautiful 1920′s bank has been restored and refurbished to reveal its previously hidden beauty but is also bristling with technology like fast WiFi, HD cinema projection and surround sound. Anybody is welcome to come to our events but joining our club makes ticket prices, if applicaable, considerably cheaper as well as free access to weekly screenings and other features.Contact us on nfo@ventnorartsclub.com or call on 01983 857060. Visit our website's 'coming up' calander to see who’s coming to play, what we’re screening and other events in the schedule. Keep in touch via our twitter feed @ventnorartsclub and on our facebook page. If you are an artist who is interesting in performing or exhibiting, please get in touch.