The Greater Washington Urban League was founded in 1938 and is one of more than 100 affiliates of the National Urban League. A major civil rights and social services organization, the League has been dealing effectively with a wide range of social and economic problems for 78 years. The 40-member Board of Directors that governs the League represents a cross-section of individuals from the metropolitan Washington area. An Advisory Board provides expertise and guidance to support the League’s work.The League’s Thursday Network (TN) auxiliary is a leadership development vehicle for young professionals, ages 21 to 40, who are interested in volunteer service to the community. Its mission is to assist the League in its goals and develop outreach programs that have positive influences on African-American youth.Thursday Network provides a platform that fosters professional development, social consciousness, civic engagement and entrepreneurship through community service projects, social and cultural outings, personal & professional workshops and seminars, mentoring/tutoring, and networking.