Who are the Cranleigh Lions?Our aim is primarily to support the less fortunate in our community and also support national and international Lions appeals and projects. We run a number of events during the year to raise money, which supports local charities and individuals. Each year we aim to donate around £50,000 to local causes and people. You can find out how we use the money we raise here.The members of Cranleigh Lions cover a wide age range with different professions, some now retired, and all join to put something back into our local community. At the same time making new friends and enjoying the experience. It’s a credit to the growing Lions Club in Cranleigh that few leave the Club and many have been members for more than a decade. Every penny we make from the events we run goes into the local community and Lions appeals and projects.Cranleigh Lions have a monthly “business meeting” at the Cranleigh Village Sports & Social Club in Parsonage Road, where we discuss upcoming events and applications for support. Each event has a committee that organises and runs the event, relying on the other members as necessary. It’s not all hard work though, we have regular social events throughout the year. Two of the biggest are “Charter Night”, which is a celebration of the forming of the Club and “Changeover Night”, where the new Club President takes over. If this sounds like an organisation you would like to join or help, you can find out about joining the Cranleigh Lions hereWhat do we doThe Cranleigh & District Lions Club raises money for local projects and causes through a number of events in and around Cranleigh, including the Eggstravaganza in aid of Air Ambulance Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Great Easter Egg Hunt on Good Friday, Cranleigh Carnival & Fun Day in June, Classic Car Show in August, the Bonfire Night Firework Display in November and Christmas Hamper Appeal in December.We also get involved with or provide resources for a number of other community projects, such as providing traffic management for Remembrance Sunday and the Christmas Lights switch on.