Cynthia D. Jones, MS, LCMHCS received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of California Irvine and her Master’s degree in Counseling from University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Licensed since 1998, she has been active in the field of mental health for over 20 years. In her clinical practice, she provides counseling to a wide range of clients (from teens to older adults, individuals, couples, and families) who are experiencing difficulties in the areas of behavioral health issues (anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse disorders, attention deficit disorder, sleep disorders) and life adjustment complications (grief, loss, divorce, work transitions). She also offers virtual reality technology methods to treat specific phobias, including fear of flying, public speaking, heights, and storms. Cynthia works from a holistic model of helping and incorporates the teachings of Carl Rogers (PCT –Person Centered Therapy), Aaron Beck (CBT- Cognitive Behavior Therapy), Jon Kabat-Zinn (MBSR - Mind Based Stress Reduction), Marsha Linehan (DBT- Dialectic Behavioral Therapy), and Victor Frankl (Logotherapy – Guidance in exploring and establishing meaning in one’s life). Cynthia recently retired from Duke University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences after 24 years in order to focus on her private practice. She also offers clinical supervision to those seeking licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor in North Carolina.