The Exceptional Family Resource Center (EFRC) is a not for profit organization that has been helping families in San Diego and Imperial Counties since 1990. We are parents of children (and adults) with disabilities. We offer support, information, resources, training -- and help with service navigation (Regional Center, special education, IHSS, Medi-Cal, SSI, Self-Determination, etc) -- to other parents. Our services are free.We serve all families and all disabilities:We support new and expectant parents whose child is newly diagnosed, including intake into early intervention services through California Early Start.We support parents of young children who suspect a disability due to missed milestones and/or challenging behaviorWe support parents of school-age kids who are receiving special education or who may be eligible (i.e. transition to adulthood, IEP, 504 plans)We help parents navigate adult regional center services and Department of Rehabilitation services (i.e. post-secondary education, employment, and living options).Whatever your situation, we are here to support you. We have multilingual staff, and arrange for interpretation in other languages.