WOMANITION INC.Dorothy Is the founder and publisher of Womanition® Magazine, a venture so successful that it quickly led to an entire network of Womanition Connect Groups throughout the province uplifting and empowering women in countless communities, plus continues to educate, motivate, and inspire business women, through the thriving Womanition Mentorship Program, and the Womanition “BizBrigade” Leadership Conference, honoring their achievements with the innovative Womanition SuPEARLative Awards and just recently added the Womanition Business Briefs our on line promotion– now called the 6 Pillars of Womanition.VAVASAUR ELITEVavasaur Elite features and its strength in your community promoting entrepreneurs, business men and men who have products and services to sell. The meaning, a leader of men is in the 1600s, a Vavasaur was hired by the King or Queen through a Baron to lead the common man, the vassals.DIVORCE MAGAZINEDivorce Magazine was conceived because of a need for people going through an impossible time of grief, lose, disconnection and much more. The magazine, a resource for people to reach out to the professionals who offer expertize to encourage them to grow in themselves beyond this troubled time legally, financially and spiritually, etc.It’s stated we have a 43% chance of getting a divorce in Alberta. It makes you stop and think – wow – that is a high number. The Canada divorce rate is 33% according to Stats Canada - so why is Alberta so high. I also heard a contested divorce could cost up to $100,000.00 per year. Amazing… Why is this? A Divorce Symposium is now offered to provide information in an all-day event.ACESAssociation of a Community Engaged in Sharing, a registered non-profit organization.Women, children and homelessness are our main focus.Combating prejudice and discrimination through Mentorship and Networking measures
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