Ely Together is a network of lay and ordained people in the Diocese of Ely which supports the aims of Together for the Church of England.Together for the Church of England is a new organisation formed in early 2024, bringing together members of General Synod, a wider network of Church of England members, and working with other partner organisations.The particular focus for Together is encouraging participation in the governance of the Church of England at all levels to promote positive change regarding inclusion and encourage democratic engagement in church life.Together is developing diocesan-based networks of Christians, both clergy and lay, who share its aims. These networks can support one another in local campaigning, work to ensure strong representation in the governance structures of the Church of England, and be a voice in their diocese for greater equality. Together is also aware that there are many inclusive-minded people currently in churches of a more conservative outlook who would appreciate being in touch with inclusive Christians in their area. Forming those connections is something that a diocesan network could help with. The diocesan networks are supported centrally by the national Together team.