The Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF) funds innovative research that improves the way people are cared for in a medical emergency. Our research is delivering better and more effective health services to save lives and money.We are the only Australian organisation dedicated to driving, coordinating and supporting multi-disciplinary emergency medicine research and its translation. We also actively engage in educational and promotional activities to help translate research outcomes into real and practical benefits, which help save lives in medical emergencies.At EMF, we are also adamant that valuable research outcomes are quickly adopted by emergency service professionals. To make this happen, we embed translation processes into our research programs and actively engage in educational and promotional activities to help transfer research into real and practical benefits in medical emergencies.Since our launch in 2007 – with the support of the Queensland Government – EMF has established a reputation for delivering rapid results and high-impact outcomes from emergency medicine research.We rely on government funding and donations from organisations and individuals to support our research programs.