About us- The Elyott Generation is a community of commited followers of Jesus, who have postured our hearts to fully embrace: who we are, whose we are and what we were created to fulfil in the earth. It was founded in 2009 by Rev. Valerie Elyott. The Elyott Generation is a registered UK Charity and a member of Churches in Communities International.Our teamis made up of passionate christians from different backgrounds, in various continents of the world.Our Missionis to stir hearts to seek and discover and maintain a deep and more intimate relationship with the Lord.Our Gatheringsare inter-denominational events for the purpose of building up the church, through worship, prayer, teaching and fellowship.Our various Gatherings will provide a conducive environment for Christians to:Engage with the Lord in a personal wayBe refreshed, challenged and empoweredReceive teaching and prayerAnd connect with other believers.Our events also provide a great environment for seekers to discover and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.Check out our website for more information -elyott.org