Since 1966 the National Organization for Women has been dedicated to leading societal and policy change, promoting critical dialogue, eliminating discrimination, and advancing the social, political, and economic rights of all women and girls. These policies and practices allow women to actively determine the conditions of their lives, their choices, and their future.Washington State NOW is comprised of Representatives from NOW Chapters across the state. In order to lobby the Legislature on behalf of women in Washington State we have a PAC. The Washington State NOW PAC has a paid lobbyist who tracks legislation on our behalf.Our officers and members testify on behalf of Bills critical to our members. Our lobbyist is active with a coalition of women's groups from across the state who work together on behalf of women in Washington State - this year they worked together to update a key piece of Women's Healthcare legislation that had been languishing during the conservative controlled legislature. The coalition came together to update the Women's Healthcare Bill to be inclusive and equitable that passed into law. Additionally we testified on behalf of 4 Sexual Harassment Bills, and Sexual Assault bills that passed into law, and more.We work for you.