South East Scotland Scouts- inspires and provides #SkillsforLife for your people in the Borders, Braid, Craigalmond, East Lothian, Edinburgh North East, Midlothian and Pentland areas.South East Scotland Scouts offers young people aged 4-25 years an exciting, adventurous programme of activities which encourages interests in outdoor, creative, community based and inclusive activities .There are over 6,000 young people enjoying Scouting in this Region. They are led and supported by almost 2,000 adult volunteers. Scouting offers young people aged 6-25 years an exciting, adventurous programme of activities which encourages interests in outdoor, creative, community based and inclusive activities. Scouting is a value based organisation which encourages self-development, good citizenship and consideration of others. Membership is open to all young people in the age range. Most of all, Scouting is fun. As Scouts, we’re do-ers and give it a go-ers. We speak up, forget the butterflies and go for it!To do this we help prepare young people with skills for life, supported by a team of amazing adult volunteers. We provide our volunteers with the tools and tips to help them feel trained, supported and happy in their role.Volunteers are the heart of the Scouts and we want everyone to get every bit as much out of it as they put in. We know that Scouting is not only about young people, but also about the development of our volunteers. To support Scout volunteers, each is required to complete a training programme made up of mandatory, role specific and ongoing learning.The training programme builds on their existing skills and knowledge and some elements count towards externally-recognised awards.So by using Eventbrite we support a number of areas including Training and Safeguarding to support and enable our adult volunteers.