Next Gen Teaching provides Continued Professional Learning and Development (CPLD) courses with a recognised qualification from the UK, to support the ongoing professional learning and development of practitioners, in current pedagogy, research and best practice. Next Gen Teaching (NGT) has extensive experience within both the UK and International Education Sector and delivers qualifications to both UK and International markets.Next Gen Teaching designs high-quality hybrid courses that provide both asynchronous and synchronous learning, through online and face-to-face delivery methods. Research shows that ‘collaborative professionalism’ (Hargreaves and O’Connor, 2018) is key to ensuring that we build the strongest culture of professionals within our schools. Next Gen Teaching has designed courses that will ensure that professionals have the time and space to learn, within their own time, together with scheduled synchronous times of learning - creating a culture of collaborative professionalism.Not only do the courses bring together UK and international teaching practices, but they also ensure that there is a consideration of inspection expectations, when it comes to teaching and learning. A certification from NGT will give teachers confidence that they are delivering the highest quality of teaching and learning – even up to inspection standards. Leadership can be confident in the abilities of their teachers during a formal inspection process.