我们是一群忠实,诚正且脚踏实地的乐观力行者,实际行动,行动再行动的创造者!透由自我启蒙,自我觉察与观照,启动原属于自己的【内在】力量,迈向健康,优雅且丰盛的人生! 蘇马利体国际事业集团海外推广的第一个据点。开设有讲座,工作坊,师资班和冥想等多元课程,同時提供咨询辅导与身心灵整合服务,藉由《赛斯思想哲学观之演绎与运用》的学习,多面向导入企业发展与每一天的日常,协助每个人重拾自己的力量並拥有丰盛富足的人生。Sumari Sage Tree specializes in inspirational self value fulfillment classes and mental wellness counselling.We are a group of enthusiast who focus deeply in the application and practice of Seth philosophy.Join us on this journey of self-discovery, self empowerment and self-enlightenment, towards a healthy life filled with abundance!
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