TRT Academy was founded by Thomas SAW in 2009 to provide a community environment for aspiring traders to receive good-quality education, peer support from other fellow traders, and coaching from successful practing traders.As practicing traders, we are making our money from trading. Not from providing trading education.We collect a fee from you for attending our Premium Programmes, as a gesture to ensure that you are really committed to attending and learning. Your fee is a contribution towards the operational expenses to maintain the facility and the infrastructure for all your LIVE Market Learning sessions. And our post-course Continuous Learning Support will ensure that your skillset is always kept updated with the changing market conditions.As practicing traders, we strongly advocate that trading is a skillset best learnt by hands-on practice, practice and more practice to achieve mastery. The best learning environment for practicing trading skills is the dynamic conditions of real markets. As such, 80% of all our education programmes are LIVE Market Learning sessions, conducted during regular UK and US trading hours. And we intentionally maintain small class size, so that you will receive all the personal attention you deserve and need to excel in your learning.