Girls in Gis (GIG) is an organization dedicated to building and strengthening the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community for women (those that identify as) and girls and as a whole. We provide experiences that foster the community of women and girsl in the martial art while encouraging new women and girls to participate. By coming together we are increasing the presence of women and girls in a primary male dominated martial art and paving the way to equality, change and we are growing the sport and art for women and girls everywhere. Our goal is to empower and unite women and girls in their martial arts training as well as in life..The Girls in Gis community was founded in 2009 by Ashley Nguyen in Houston Texas. Her purpose was simple; to provide a fun, friendly environment for women and girls to train, to have more women and girls to train with and create a community of women and girls in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Her goal was to also to create a leadership opportunity for women. Girls in Gis started small with only fifteen girls at our first event and have since grown to accommodate between forty to one hundred and fifty participants and has expanded outside of Texas to include events and seminars in 30 US States and have opened 16 chapters..The Girls in Gis Organization was founded in 2010 by Shama Ko. Her dedication to the building the organization has led to it’s success. She began as a participant and member of the community and believed so much in the purpose of Girls in Gis she has dedicated her life to it. Her objective in developing the organization has always been to preserve the purpose of Girls in Gis while evolving the organization into what it is today..“Strength in Solidarity” is our motto and it means that together we can accomplish more than we can alone. Whether it is inspiring the next generation for women in the martial art, earning respect as athletes, instructors and achieves equality in a male dominated sport or unifying the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community as a whole. Together the potential is limitless and all things are possible..If you have any interest in finding out how to host an event, learn more about our programs or have any questions, we look forward to hearing from you!.For more info find us online:Homepage:www.girls-in-gis.comFacebook @_girls_in_gis_Instagram:@girlsingisYoutube:Girls In Gis