Melonie runs drum circles, retreats, training and drum birthing (making) workshops for individuals and groups.She is the founder of Sacred Women's Drum Circles and The Association of Women Drummers, Makers and Players.Melonie first met the drums in 2012 and started running drum circles in 2014. She also ran a 'red tent'. The more Melonie drummed with others, the more these circles evolved. She now combines the safe space and authentic sharing of the Red Tent with the healing and transformational power of the drums.Personally, as the drums took her deeper, she found herself drumming in wild lands, ancient barrows, on top of cliffs and even in the sea!Melonie started running drum birthing workshops in 2017 and the more drums that come into the world, the more she learns. The drums 'speak' to her, showing her what they want to look like, how and where they want to be played. Her making has evolved and at times she can not believe what is 'becoming' before her eyes.Melonie's own path continues to deepen as the drums take her to sacred sites and guide her in working with the land.Prior to stepping out full time as thedrumwoman, Melonie was a Primary School Teacher. Her specialism was PSHE and, as such, she was responsible for Sex Education. Melonie's own journey has been one of endometriosis - debilitating menstrual pain - which she believes has ancestral roots and was 'fed' by early age body hatred and a disconnect from her cyclical nature. Finding herself responsible for teaching about menstruation and puberty fuelled her to make a difference and she became nationally known for her work with puberty, menstruation, sex and relationships. In her early 30's Melonie was told that the 'endometriosis could not be cured' and this didn't sit right with her. She embarked on a holistic journey and found herself pain free for the first time since her first bleed. It was during this journey that she found women's circles, womb healing, drumming and herself.In 2017 she stepped out of schools and into self employed life. She has never looked back.She lives in North Essex and runs drum circles across Essex and London. Her workshops take place across the UK and sometimes Online.She published her first book 'How to Support your Daughter through Puberty - A practical guide for mums' in 2020, it is the first in her 'How to' series. This can be purchased from amazon worldwide.https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B087CVY9FJFind out more at www.thedrumwoman.com, www.instagram.com/thedrumwoman and www.facebook.com/thedrumwoman