WELCOMEThe Empire Farm is a 100-acre Soil Association certified organic farm on the edge of the Blackmore Vale, just south of Wincanton in Somerset. We keep poultry, pigs and a few sheep – mostly traditional and rare breeds – and grow fruit and veg. The farm is the venue of our Farm School where a wide range ofbutchery and smallholder coursestake place in the Coach House and Walled Garden. Here you can learn how to set up a smallholding, keep pigs and poultry, butcher a pig or lamb, pluck a pheasant or skin a deer, discover the delights of Italian charcuterie or join us for our Whole Hog Weekend. Sally and Adrian MorganCOURSES AT EMPIRE FARMThis year there are a few changes at the Farm School.David Coldmanis taking over the butchery courses and he will be theWELCOMEThe Empire Farm is a 100-acre Soil Association certified organic farm on the edge of the Blackmore Vale, just south of Wincanton in Somerset. We keep poultry, pigs and a few sheep – mostly traditional and rare breeds – and grow fruit and veg. The farm is the venue of our Farm School where a wide range ofbutchery and smallholder coursestake place in the Coach House and Walled Garden. Here you can learn how to set up a smallholding, keep pigs and poultry, butcher a pig or lamb, pluck a pheasant or skin a deer, discover the delights of Italian charcuterie or join us for our Whole Hog Weekend.