Solway Firth Partnershipworks to support a vibrant and sustainable local economy whilst respecting, protecting and celebrating the distinctive character, heritage and natural features of our marine and coastal area.We do this by working with people on both sides of the Solway Firth and further afield on a wide range of projects. We also contribute to development of policies for management of the coast and sea. Our aim is to engage with as many people as possible, helping ensure that local views shape the future of the area.We work to achieve:A significant contribution to sustainable development and environmental protection through supporting integrated marine and coastal planning and management.Provision of a transparent, balanced and respected mechanism that supports objective, impartial and evidence-based decision making for the local marine and coastal area.Distinctive input to development of a co-operative network of relationships between everyone with an interest in the local marine and coastal area.Provision of assistance to coastal communities and businesses resulting in tangible local benefits.Greater recognition and understanding of the high quality environment, culture and heritage of the local marine and coastal area.Solway Firth Partnership is an independent charitable body.