Healthy Start is a community-based program that can help you navigate prenatal/postnatal care, enroll in community assistance programs, and become your baby's first and most important teacher.Your Healthy Start Parent Educator will visit with you once or twice per month to work through any challenges you're having and teach you fun activities to do with your child.As a Healthy Start family, you'll also be invited to free events and parent workshops each month.If you live in Orleans Parish and are a pregnant mom, parent with a child up to age two, or grandparent raising a grandchild up to age two, give us a call!Healthy Start can help you:Learn to eat healthy during pregnancyLearn what to feed your familyGet WIC, Food Stamps, and help with housingGet MedicaidFor Mom before and after pregnancyFor children under age 19Get individual or family counselingFind job trainingGet information on GED or going back to schoolClear up your criminal recordJoin support groups for moms and dads