婦女動力基金是全港唯一以撥款及能力培訓推動性別平等的民間女性基金會。我們於2004年成立,旨在匯聚資源為女性充權,倡導社會改變和性別平等。我們透過向最邊緣女性自發組織提供能力和領導力培訓,並批核小額撥款,支援香港社會上最弱勢的婦女和女孩,期盼公眾關注邊緣婦女、女孩和影響她們的議題。 過去,我們已為超過82個基層組織提供資金、與超過50個女性領導的機構緊密合作,進行能力培訓,使這些組織繼續捍衛和促進婦女、女孩和跨性別人士權利的工作。婦女動力基金不只是資助機構,也是所有資助伙伴的同行者,除了撥款,亦會因應資助伙伴的需要而作出全面支援,令邊緣女性的組織及其工作能可持續地發展。請即捐款https://herfund.org.hk/tc/support/donationHER Fund is a helping hand to the most neglected women and girls in Hong Kong. We provide capacity-building, leadership training and small grants to grassroots organizations led by and serving the most disadvantaged. Founded in 2004, HER Fund has directly benefitted over 40,000 people.Our vision is a community of people—from all walks of life—who stand together, walk together and dance together in favor of gender equality and opportunity for the most marginalized among us.Donate to supporthttps://herfund.org.hk/en/support/donation
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