We are group of Himalayan Meditation Practitioners across Ireland. We are committed to fostering good mental health across Ireland and regularly hold free weekly meditation sessions in Limerick and Dublin. Meditation means 'To Be in The Present Moment'. Due to our modern lifestyles, a new type of pollution called the thought pollution is highly prevalent. The life of every individual is propelled by the energy from the Universal life force . We spend a lot of this energy in thinking and thinking too much! Himalayan meditation is a process of meditation in which our connection with the Universal life force is strengthened/resorted and our thoughts are reduced or managed for a better immune and evolved way of living. It is non-religious and open to all.Our Contact DetailsDublin MeditationArpita Bhatt - +353899649654Sachin - +35386777850Limerick MeditationSowparnika - +353834401327Mahesh Pathak - +353894084584