For 18 years Charlie Goldsmith kept his healing ability out of the public eye. It has always been Charlie’s intention to expose his work to multiple scientific studies.It wasn't until after his first hospital study, completed in 2013 by doctors at a hospital in New York, that it became public. The study was designed to build a case for a double-blind study in the future. It was published in 2015.Charlie is also the subject of a USA television series called 'The Healer' on TLC which premiered November 6, 2017.In 2019, Charle createdMy Good Habits- an online health program that has transformed thousands of lives providing a holistic view of health.He continues to provide regular Free Group Healing Sessions, which you can learn more aboutHERE.In these Energy Teaching Sessions, Charlie teaches and demonstrates how he heals, giving a rare insight into the process.To learn more about Charlie and to subscribe to his mailing list to receive notifications of his Free Group Healings,