What is Improv Hawaii?Improv Hawaii is a Honolulu-based improv collective offering monthly classes and shows for every level. No experience is needed.How did Improv Hawaii originate?Since returning home to Hawaii, Improv Hawaii (aka improvhi) founder & professional actor Kimee Balmilero (Hawaii Five-0, Magnum PI, Doogie Kameloha M.D) wanted to share her love of improv comedy with an online calendar of local improv events.Established in 2012, Improv Hawaii quickly moved from just an online calendar to hosting original shows and classes in several locations around Honolulu.In 2020, Improv Hawaii acquired The Tiny Stage, a small class and studio space in Kakaako. Since then, improvhi has been able to host new classes every month and several original monthly comedy shows, including Nerd Nite, The Improvised Musical, and our Open Improv Jam.Made up of a group of young (and not so “young) adults, our core team of players and instructors consists of professional actors, writers, school teachers, musicians, web developers, parents, scientists, data analysts, realtors, stay-at-home parents, and everyday folks. We believe in building a supportive community and space where all feel safe, included, and funny. We hope to see you soon!Wanna learn more? Check out ourFrequently Asked Questions Page.