Shapes Yoga aspires to create a space in which anyone - regardless of body shape - can practice yoga, and allow this physical movement between different shapes (Asanas), rooted in the Yoga Philosophy of Ancient India, to bring steadiness, freedom and lightness to body and mind. At Shapes Yoga we want each individual body to find its’ own ‘happy pose’, and prioritise how the Asana feels for the individual, rather than focusing on how it looks from the outside.Carrying forward the teachings of Sri T.Krishnamacharya, T.K.V. Desikachar und R. Sriram, Shapes Yoga teaches yoga which is as calming for your nervous system as it is strengthening for your muscles, immune system, and discipline. We place particular emphasis on the connection between our breath and the movement of our body, allowing our breath to guide us in and out of the Asanas, or intensify an Asana when we hold it for several breaths at a time. This concentration on our breath requires a particular discipline of our mind, and is often as challenging - and therefore beneficial - for experienced yogis as it is for beginners.