We are a diverse group of experienced healthcare professionals working in the greater Illinois. We work at hospitals, corporate health systems, consulting firms, vendor organizations, universities, and a wide variety of other organizations. Many of us are the decision makers in our organization. Our members range from CEOs, CIOs, and other senior executives to analysts and students. We have technical members and clinical members. The majority of Illinois Chapter members have well over ten years of experience in the healthcare field. What is our purpose?To offer meetings which provide an opportunity to share ideas and exchange experiences in the field of healthcare information and management systems;To assist members of this Chapter and others in developing their knowledge, increasing their effectiveness, and maintaining high-quality standards of performance through continuing education;To plan and conduct educational programs that promote an understanding of information and management systems work in healthcare.During a typical year, we offer 3-4 short educational programs, an all-day educational program, a hospital tour/social program, and our always-popular social at the HIMSS conference. Our educational programs are designed to share expert knowledge and to facilitate networking among our members. Please check the Calendar of Events section for details on our programming.