Orenda Centre for Arts & Healing offers Sessions, Workshops and Training in Intuitive Arts, Shamanism and Energy Healing in Edinburgh & Online.Our energy offering includes Shamanic Healing, Feather Stone Energy Healing, Divine Healing Master Key, and Usui Reiki Healing. Intuitive Arts & Creative sessions often incorporate guided meditation and energy modalities.The new website is nearly ready, in the meantime you can find more information through the links below.www.creativeflowart.com (more about Intuitive Arts)www.innerlighthealingstudio.com (more about Energy Healing)Elise / Rosabianca Dell'Aquila is the founder of Orenda Centre for Arts & Healing (previously known as Inner Light Healing Studio & Creativeflow Arts). She is a Shamanic Teacher, Intuitive Artist, and Energy Therapist. Elise's practice is nature-based and focuses on awakening the heart and the creative energy within. She brings the gift of vision, truth and spiritual elevation. Her work aims to support and facilitate a deep process of self-discovery, creation, and healing.