Welcome to the IYNI Parenting Programmes Training & Support Calendar 2020/21!What is IYNI?IYNI is the strategic co-ordination project for the implementation of Incredible Years® programmes across Northern Ireland.The project is managed regionally by the National Children’s Bureau (NCB) and supported at local level by Child Development Intervention Co-ordinators (CDICs) based in each of the Health & Social Care Trusts. All of this activity is funded by the Public Health Agency (PHA).IYNI aims to promote, encourage and support a culture of fidelity and high quality implementation of Incredible Years® programmes.Who can apply for IYNI training and supervision?Applications are welcomed from Incredible Years® parenting programme group leaders and their managers as well as those interested in bringing Incredible Years® into their setting.Places are limited per Trust area and some eligibility criteria may apply.