MEET YOUR FACILITATORPARMISSParmiss is a conduit for life force energy activation and a certified KAP facilitator, trained by the renowned KAP Academy and its founder, Venant Wong. She has been running KAP sessions ( Life Force Activation ) workshops globally, in Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Australia. With 13 years of dedicated practice in Yoga and mindful ness she brings a wealth of experience to her KAP sessions sharing the gift of life force activation. Additionally, Parmiss leads meditation sessions and detachment workshops, offering intuitive coaching to assist individuals in releasing what impedes their progress in life.MY STORYKAP entered my life in 2022 during one of the most challenging times I've faced. Constantly battling anxiety and depression, I sought happiness through instant gratification activities. However, KAP showed me the beauty of simply being alive. Since then, my mission has been to expand its reach. Last year, I attended the KAP Academy and was trained by four remarkable individuals alongside the founder, Venant Wong, enabling me to share this life-giving gift with everyone. Since then, I have surrendered myself to its energy, sharing it with many others worldwide, from Europe, the Middle East, South East Asia and Australia.KAP has positively impacted many lives, empowering individuals by opening up their throat chakras and restoring their confidence. They've experienced joy and achieved what once seemed unattainable. My journey continues to unfold, and I am honoured to serve and share this energy with as many people as possible, igniting a bonfire of love in their hearts."