Valerie Reed, LBSW M.Ed. is a native ofCompton, California, who grew up in Las Vegas,Nevada. After attending Prairie View A&MUniversity and obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree inSocial Work and a Master’s Sociology she worked inthe Social Work Field in Las Vegas, Nevada andHouston, Texas for approximately 10 yrs. Shedecided to change careers and focus on education,where she has been teaching for 17 yrs. Valerie alsoenjoys her role as a Special Education DistrictCoach for Aldine ISD. She is the mother of 3children, Ryan 22, Kayla 21, and Micah 16. Valerieis a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.Valerie is also the author of Stay Strong, FinishStrong! A story of hope and encouragement forthose who have and will experience Grief and Loss.She is also the author of Through Micah’s Eyes,which is a children’s book that portrays her sonMicah on the day of his father’s funeral. This bookwas featured on a Virtual Book Fair with RoystonPublishing. Valerie’s latest book, Grieving UnderGod’s Grace (A Prayer Journal) is a book of prayersfor grief and loss for 21 days. Valerie recentlybecame the host of Strength for The Journey onRhema Gospel Radio 101.5 FM KOER, in Houston,Texas in which we feature Stories of Strength toencourage others.February 2020 Valerie was one of five teachersfeatured in TEDTALK Education San Antonio.Empowered. Valerie was nominated and awardedThe Distinguished Authors Award for Best Children’sBook.Valerie enjoys empowering other especiallywomen by sharing her story of grief and loss.December 15, 2021 Valerie became a LicensedMinister.She is a proud member of Fallbrook ChurchKaty-Cypress. Valerie’s goal is to encourage herselfand others by speaking up and speaking out aboutgrief and loss, because she has suffered loss butmanages to keep going by holding on to faith andfamily. The whole purpose is to stay in the race and finish strong!