Karina Munoz, is one of a small team of Advanced Marconics Practitioners trained as Initiate Teachers of the Marconics ‘No-Touch’ Ascension Healing Protocol: a Level I practitioner training seminar, under Marconics Originator, Alison David Bird C.Ht, and Co-Founder, Lisa Wilson.She always felt there must be more purpose to the human experience, and found it when she answered ‘the Clarion Call’.“I was open to trying new things as I was seeking a closer relationship to myself. It was not hard for me to let go of other modalities, going to readers, and tarot cards as Marconics energy was not like anything I have ever experienced.I was ready to let go of my old life and everything that came with being that old version of Karina. I was the life of the party, a social butterfly, a people pleaser, and the family mediator. I had many codependent dynamics.As an empath, I now have an understanding of my own emotions, and I am able to place boundaries in all areas of my life, which has shifted the dynamics of all my relationships for the better.I have found in my 5-year journey with Marconics it is a constant recommitment to the mission as your knowing becomes deeper. I did powerful work to continue to release and rewire my family dynamics and all relationships that were not serving me to a higher degree.Marconics Ascension Energy brings the Multi-dimensional Holographic Body Templates into balance within the physical construct, by reclaiming fragmented soul aspects from multi-dimensional timelines in preparation for Higher Ascension. The frequencies raise the vibration of the Spiritual, Mental and Emotional bodies above the paradigm of FEAR, and SEPARATION, as they begin draw down higher light codes for the activation of 12 x 12 strand DNA, and beyond.“My favorite part of Marconics are the tools: spiritual hygiene, a like-minded community, and the empowerment for us to forge our connection to our Future Ascended Self and not rely on external validation.When I heard about the call to become an Initiate teacher, I was very excited!With all the life changing events I have experienced through Marconics, I couldn’t think of anything else I’d want to do with my time.Contact Karina Munoz, for more information about Marconics “No-Touch” Ascension Energy, and upcoming Practitioner Certification Classes in Massachusetts. Or, visit, www.marconics.comPhone: 978 807 8584.Email: karina.aglow@gmail.com