Marconics UPGRADES the Multi-dimensional Holographic Body, augmenting the Human energy field for assimilation of Higher Ascension Frequencies.Cindy Jordan, is one of a small team of Advanced Marconics Practitioners trained as Initiate Teachers of the Marconics ‘No-Touch’ Ascension Healing Protocol: a Level I practitioner training seminar, under Marconics Originator, Alison David Bird C.Ht, and Co-Founder, Lisa Wilson.After years of seeking direct connection to a Higher Source of energy and information, Cindy found what she’d been yearning for through a chance encounter on an airplane. In 2017, after completing a personal development workshop in Boston, Cindy received an intuitive message to: “Look to the stars”.She said, “At the airport the next day, I was handed a boarding pass with my name on it, but in a synchronistic twist of events it was for an earlier flight back to Seattle that I had not booked!This inexplicable moment revealed a serendipitous seat assignment next to two Marconics Master Teachers!” The conversation that ensued was Cindy’s ‘Clarion Call, to Marconics, and marked the beginning of her journey towards claiming Soul Sovereignty.Marconics Ascension Energy brings the Multi-dimensional Holographic Body Templates into balance within the physical construct, by reclaiming fragmented soul aspects from multi-dimensional timelines in preparation for Higher Ascension. The frequencies raise the vibration of the Spiritual, Mental and Emotional bodies above the paradigm of FEAR, and SEPARATION, as they begin drawing down higher light codes for the activation of 12 x 12 strand DNA, and beyond.Cindy has always had a passion for learning and teaching and holds a doctorate in Ecological Psychology. She has also taught and mentored in Waldorf schools for many years. “I have dedicated myself to raising my vibration, and through Marconics Ascension Energy healing protocols, I feel as though I have come into complete alignment and integrity with my Higher Self lineage on my return to Source,” she added.Contact Cindy Jordan, for more information about Marconics “No-Touch” Ascension Energy, and upcoming Practitioner Certification Classes, in the PNW; including Eastern Washington state, Northern Idaho, and Western Canada. Or, visit, www.marconics.comPhone: 206-696-2894Email: cindyjordan@gmail.com